Liffey Valley Family Events

Join the Hunt to Find the Easter Huntsman at Liffey Valley this Good Friday

Looking for a way to entertain the kids on Good Friday? Liffey Valley is holding an Easter Hunt!
Kicking off at 2pm-6pm, each hour, four clues will be shared on the Liffey Valley Facebook event page. Find the Easter Huntsman and win a €100 Liffey Valley gift card- it could be anyone!
The Easter Huntsman will be a regular everyday person who will be wandering around leaving Facebook clues in his path. Follow the clues.. if you find him- you’re the winner!
There will one winner every hour!
98FM will be there with a family fun zone giving away lots of freebies. It’s the perfect way to entertain the whole family.

The Vue Cinema

The VUE 14 Screen Multiplex at Liffey Valley ensures there is always a film showing that you want to catch.

Directions To Liffey Valley

Because of the abundance of free parking and it’s handy location off main routes, many people choose to drive to the Liffey Valley Shopping Centre. If you are located anywhere in Dublin, Liffey Valley is easily accessed from the M50 Motorway or through Dublin City Centre. From the South of Ireland follow your normal route for Dublin and follow the directions from Dublin South below. If you are coming from the west, Liffey Valley is located shortly after Lucan on the N4