Glor Theatre

The Glore Theatre is located in the hearth of the city of Ennis and its offers a full programme of family events from children workshops to family theatre. They also hosts a huge number of community events within the year including school concerts, fundraisers, local amateur dramatics and specific educational exhibitions.


Ennis Academy for the Performing Arts Annual Concert

Pupils of the Ennis Academy for the Performing Arts are once again staging their very popular annual show packed with songs from the shows, music and lots of fun. Kids from Fame will be performed by the senior classes with wonderful songs and great dance routines.

This is a fast moving show performed by great kids aged 6 – 18 years old, and who bring their talent and energy to the glór stage. Under the direction of Tommy Drennan and Pearl Kiely, this show will provide a great night’s entertainment for all the family.

Venue:- Glor Theatre, Ennis

Classification:-   Family Concert  /   All the Family

Date / Show Time:-  17 -18 May / 20.00

Running Time:-   TBC 


  • Tickets €15
  • Concessions Ticket €12


Booking:- Tel  065 6843103 


The Little Mermaid

The Glor Theatre and The Dinan School of Ballet presents The Little Mermaid

Hans Christian Anderson’s brilliant tale comes to life in the Dinan School of Ballet’s The Little Mermaid. This gorgeous production has something for all the family. Beautifully produced and choreographed, it showcases the school’s multi-talented dancers and performers.

With diverse musical and dance styles, creative choreography and striking costumes, this charming show will bring you on a dramatic and enchanting journey. This show will provide a great night’s entertainment for all the family.

Venue:- Auditorium Glor Theatre, Ennis

Classification:-   Family Theatre  /   All the Family

Date / Show Time:-  20 -21 May / 19.30

Running Time:-   TBC 


  • Tickets €12
  • Concessions Ticket €10


Booking:- Tel  065 6843103