Kids Party Games
Here you will find lots of party ideas and party games that suit any kids birthday party. No need to worry any more in wondering how to entertain the kids once you’ve done a little prep and pre chosen the games you want to plan for. Most of the party games we’ve included are easy to set up and involve very little expenditure and basic materials. Let us know if you come across any more Kid party games that you would recommend we include.
Butt Burst
Lots of fun for parties indoor or outdoor and only a chair and balloon needed for each player
Blind Man’s Bluff
Blind Man’s Buff is suitable for lots of kids to play indoors or outdoors and only a blindfold is needed
Pinata Party Game
Pinata party game great fun for kids outdoor parties and lots of goodies to be won Kids Party Games
Duck Duck Goose
Great fun to play outdoors and involves a lot of fun running around! Family Fun active game for kids
Balloon Burst
Kids party games are great fun Balloon Burst kids balloon party game gets the party going
Red Light, Green Light
Youbut can move only when t hey says, “Green Light.” But you must stop on the Red light.
Pass the Parcel
Pass the Parcel game for kids parties suitable for indoor or outdoor fun for all the kids