Halloween Family Fun Activities In Association
with Nestlé Mini Smarties


Familyfun.ie and Mini Smarties have come together to bring you this easy guide to some of the best events over Halloween along with some party game ideas for Halloween night, activities for the creative ones in the family and some of the most popular Halloween poems for bedtime!

Halloween Events

Find a Halloween event near you in our collection of  Halloween Events and for other events around the country during the Halloween break visit our Kids Events on Now zone

Halloween Games

When the trick or treating is over, why not have some fun with the kids and their friends by playing some traditional Halloween games. You will find some of the most popular Halloween games in the Familyfun  Halloween Party Games page.

Halloween Printables

While you are making the pumpkin soup, why not occupy the kids by printing off some of our  Halloween Colouring Pages and Word Search activity sheets .

We have also put together a selection of theme Halloween activity sheets which are educational and fun, including kids cross words and dot to dot puzzles.

Halloween Poems

And for the end of the day….. here are some  Halloween poems  for bedtime!